
Risk Radar

Risk Radar Graph
This graph shows the hierarchy and the importance of Risk Radar keywords. The green dots represents topics, and the blue dots stands for keywords. The yellow, orange and red dots are articles. The size of the dot represents how relevant the keyword is.
Figure 4 Risk Radar graph
Below the graph, there are some buttons and fields for the query.
Figure 5 Risk Radar buttons and fields
For an example, it is possible to change the sources of the search by changing it on ‘Source Selection’.
The ‘Refresh Network’ button is for refreshing the Risk Radar graph.
The ‘Legend’ button is opening a new window which contains the graph’s legend, an explanation about the colors and others.
Figure 6 Risk Radar legend
Another button is the ‘Trend Cloud’ which opens a new window with keywords. The size of the words represents it relevant.
At the bottom of the page there is a table with two columns. the first column is with the title of the article, and a link; the second is with the score of the article.
Figure 7 Risk Radar articles